URL: https://instrumentationseminar.desy.de/e70397/e257439/@@siteview
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2018 Viewgraphs
The ATLAS FastTracKer experience and prospects (60.6 MB)
Hardware-based high occupancy pattern recognition at the LHC: the ATLAS FastTracKer experience and prospects
Highly Granular Calorimeters for Colliders and Beyond (46.0 MB)
Highly Granular Calorimeters for Colliders and Beyond
CALICE Calorimetry for CMS - The High Granularity Calorimeter Endcap Upgrade (85.1 MB)
CALICE Calorimetry for CMS - The High Granularity Calorimeter Endcap Upgrade
HLS4ML - Deep learning on FPGAs for L1 trigger and Data Acquisition (13.2 MB)
HLS4ML - Deep learning on FPGAs for L1 trigger and Data Acquisition